Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Korakumbha Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 17 Shlokas 1 - 4

Shri Korakumbha Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 17 Shlokas 1 - 4


स्वभावः प्रेमभक्तस्य नूनं लोकविलक्षणः |

नैव जानाति लोकोsयं हृदयं तस्य निर्मलम् ||

क्वचिज्ज्ञानी क्वचिन्मूढोः क्वचिद् वृद्धः क्वचिछिशुः |

क्वचिन्मत्तो विनीतक्ष्च क्वचित्क्रुद्धः क्षमान्वितः ||

एवं विचित्रभावेन दृश्यते प्रेमभक्तिमान् |

तस्य भावो लौकिकानां दुरूहो मुग्धचेतसाम् ||

वज्रादपि कठोरं तत्कुसुमादपि कोमलम् |

भक्तानां हृदयं वेत्तुं लोके कोपि न शक्नुयात् ||

Shri Sadguru said

The nature of premature bhakta is different from that of ordinary men. The world cannot easily understand the purity of his heart. He appears to be a gnat at one time and a fool at another; he seems to be a highly matured and grown up person at one time and a very humble person at another. At one time, he appears to be an angry man and at another he appears to be a man of endurance. A premature bhakta thus seems to be a strange and peculiar person. The illusion common people of the world cannot make out and understand his real mental state. No one can understand the heart of the bhakta which is as tough as thunder stone and as soft as a flower.