Vaishnava Samhita. Namadeva Charitam I Vol III Book VIII Chp 4 Shlokas 12 - 16

Namadeva Charitam I Vol III Book VIII Chp 4 Shlokas 12 - 16

Shri Sadguru continued


इत्युक्तो नामदेवोपि बालकः पञ्चहायनः |

वयस्यान् सम्परित्यज्याप्यागतो मातुरन्तिकम् ||

अभिषिक्तस्तया चैवं वस्त्रादिभिरलङ्कृतः |

ऊर्ध्वपुण्ड्रधरो भक्त्या विश्नोर्मन्दिरमाययौ ||

अभिषिच्य जगन्नाथं स्वयमेव कुमारकः |

अलञ्चकार भक्त्यापि वस्त्रभूषणचन्दनैः ||

कपाटबन्धनं कृत्वा धूपं दीपं समर्प्य च |

क्षीरमादाय हस्तेन प्रददौ प्रेमपूर्वकम् ||

अर्चावतारनियमान्न पपौ क्षीरमच्युतः |

किन्तु वात्सल्यमुग्धोsयं प्ररुरोद स बालकः ||

Having thus instructed by his mother, the five year old Namadeva left behind all the friends and went to his mother. He had the bath with the help of his mother, wore new dress and the sacred tilak on his forehead and went towards the temple of Lord Panduranga with devotion. He gave a holy bath to Lord Panduranga, clothed Him and decorated Him with ornaments and sandal paste with great devotion. Then, closing the doors, he offered Him the holy incense and light and finally took the cup of milk in his hand and with great love offered it to Him. As lord Achyuta was in the Archavatara form, He did not drink the milk. The innocent boy Namadeva became sad and started shedding tears.