Vaishnava Samhita. Muktadevi Charitam Vol III Book VIII Chp 3 Shlokas 3 - 6

Muktadevi Charitam Vol III Book VIII Chp 3 Shlokas 3 - 6

इन्द्रजालं विधायैवमनायासेन जीवाताम् |

अविपक्वान्तरङ्गाणां योगिनां कियदन्तरम् ||

सर्वसिद्धिमवाप्नोति हरेर्नामानुकीर्तनात् |

किं दुर्लभं जगन्नाथे सुप्रीते श्रीमनोहरे ||

योगसिद्धिमुपेक्षन्ते वैष्णवाः सुद्धबुद्धयः |

अवैष्णवा वञ्चयन्ति कैतवेनैव पामरान् ||

अष्टाङ्गस्यापि योगस्य फलं हि हरिदर्शनम् |

तत्परित्यज्य वै मूढा मुह्यन्त्यल्पासु सिद्धिषु ||

What is the difference between such imperfect yogis and the lazy ones who spend their lives attracting people displaying cheap tricks? By repeated chanting of the Divine Name of Lord Hari, one attains all Sindhis. When Shri Bhagavan, the consort of Goddess Shridevi, and the Lord of the world, is pleased, what remains an impossibility on this earth? The pious-minded vaishnavas hate all such yogic achievements. Such worldly people deceive the ignorant laymen in such a stealthy way. The eight-fold yoga also has only the darshan of Lord Shri Hari as its ultimate goal. Not realizing this, the foolish take delight in meagre achievements.