Namadeva Charitam II Vol III Book VIII Chp 5 Shlokas 26 - 30
इत्युक्तो देवदेवोपि स्वभक्तं लालयन् मुहुः |
अन्तर्दधे सद्य एव शरणागतवत्सलः ||
तस्मात्सर्वात्मभावेन युक्तया भक्तिनिष्ठया |
प्रीणाति भगवान् विष्णुः सर्वव्यापी सताङ्गतिः ||
अन्योन्यद्वेषयुक्तानां कलुषीकृतचेतसाम् |
अर्चनं नैव गृह्णाति प्रेमरूपः श्रियः पतिः ||
अन्योन्यप्रेमयुक्तानां सदा निर्मलचेतसाम् |
आराधनं स्वभक्तानां स्वयं गृह्णाति माधवः ||
तस्माद्भागवतं धर्मं प्रेमभावपरिष्कृतम् |
आश्रित्य सर्वथा विष्णुं भतक्त्या सर्वत्र पूजयेत् ||
Shri Sadguru continued
Having spoken thus, Shri Bhagavan, the Lord of lords, the uplifter of the refugees, repeatedly fondled His bhakta and vanished. Thus it is clear that Bhagavan Shri Vishnu gets pleased with true devotion accompanied by an unperturbed disposition and a mind to find perfect equality among all living beings. Lord Shridhara, the very embodiment of kindness and affection, never accepts the Pooja offered by those who nurture ill-feelings towards others and thus have maligned hearts. Lord Madhava graciously accepts the obeisance of the devotees who have purity of heart and have mutual love and affection. Hence one should adopt at any cost Bhagavata Dharma which grows on the feeling of mutual love, and propitiate Lord Vishnu who is present everywhere and who envelops everything.
Thus ends Chapter Five entitled ‘Namadeva Charitam II’ of Book VIII os Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal