Vaishnava Samhita: Janabai Charitam Vol III Book VIII Chp 6 Shlokas 23 - 26

Janabai Charitam Vol III Book VIII Chp 6 Shlokas 23 - 26

गृहकृत्याणि सर्वाणि कृत्वा च त्वरया जना |

अन्तर्गृहे क्वचिच्छेते भगवद्विहाकुला ||

निद्राङ्गतेषु सर्वेषु बन्धुषु श्रीपतिः स्वयम् |

उपागत्य जनां प्रेम्णा रन्तुकामः समाह्वयत् ||

तया रेमे विशालाक्ष्या प्रियया भगवान् हरिः |

तोषयामास तां देवीं विलासैर्विविधैः प्रभुः ||

एवं चतुर्थयामे तु भगवान् भार्यया सह |

शयनात्स्वयमुत्थाय गृहकृत्यञ्चकार सः ||

After finishing all her household duties, burning in the agony of separation from Lord Panduranga, Janabai was lying in a corner of the house. After all at home had slipped into a sound sleep, Lord Panduranga, the consort of Devi Rukmini, called out Janabai coming close to her. Bhagavan Shri Hari had His sport of love with her for a long time and pleased her very much. Then at the close of the night, Shri Bhagavan got up along with her and started helping her in the household work.