Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Tukaram Charitam II Vol III Book VIII Chp 9 Shlokas 26 - 29

Shri Tukaram Charitam II Vol III Book VIII Chp 9 Shlokas 26 - 29

श्रीतुकाराम उवाच

सत्यमुक्तं त्वया देवी मूढोsहं गृहकर्मणि |

तथापि कोपं सन्त्यज्य क्षमां कुरु मयि प्रिये ||

यत्किञ्चिदपि दारिद्रयमस्माकं नास्ति सर्वथा |

वयं हि बालकाः सर्वे विट्ठलस्य रमापतेः ||

नित्योत्सवः किलास्माकं नित्यश्रीर्नित्यमङ्गलम् |

नित्यं दीपावलिक्ष्चापि कृपयैव रमापतेः ||

यथाभागं कर्तुं हि चकारैवञ्च केलिकाम् |

आवयोः पण्डरीनाथः प्रेम्णैव निजबालयोः ||

Shri Tukaram said

Oh! Devi! What you say is true. I am really a fool as far as family matters are concerned. Yet please give up your anger and excuse me. We are not at all poor in any sense. Are not all of us children of Shri Panduranga, the Lord of Devi Lakshmi? By His grace, we are finding everyday as a Deepavali Day. Every day is a day of celebrations, lasting happiness and prosperity for us. Shri Panduranga is playing thus only in order to make us, His children share this single sugar-cane stick.