Shri Tukaram Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 10 Shlokas 9 - 16
भूषनैर्भूषिता सापि सुन्दरी सुस्मितानना |
तुकारामस्य धीरस्य समीपञ्च जगाम ह ||
तां दृष्ट्वा भूषितं पत्नीं विविधैर्भूषनैरपि |
उपेक्षमाणः सहसा महात्मा काननङ्गतः ||
गिरिकन्दरमाश्रित्य पर्णमूलफलाशनः |
तुकारामो विरक्तस्तु चक्रे केशवकीर्तनम् ||
प्रतीक्षमाणा भर्तारं जीजाबायी दिने दिने |
अवाप परमं दुःखं पतिभक्तिपरायणा ||
नूनं पतिव्रता लोके पतिप्रीत्यर्थमेव हि |
एवमिच्छन्त्यलङ्कर्तुमात्मानं भूषनादिभिः ||
जीजाबायी तथा नित्यं स्वकान्तविरहाकुला |
विचिन्वन्ती पतिं साध्वी ददर्श विपिनेपि तम् ||
तां दृष्ट्वा भूषितां पत्नीं विरक्तो वैष्णवोत्तमः |
अतिसंरम्भसम्युक्तो निर्जगाम गुहान्तरात् ||
तावत्तस्य पदाम्भोजं जग्राह त्वरया सती |
प्रार्थयामास भर्तारं ग्रुहमागन्तुमादरात् ||
Kanakabai adorned herself with the jewels and then with a smiling face approached the courageous and noble Tukaram. The virtuous man became very sad to see his wife decorated with so many jewels. He abandoned her and went to the forest. Living in the hilly caves and eating the roots and fruits available there, Tukaram spent his time in singing the glory of Lord Krishna in a withdrawn mood. Kanakabai who had deep love for her husband was expecting him to return home everyday. She became very sad to see him not coming back. Are not the really chaste women on the earth adorning themselves with jewels etc. to please their husbands? Such a chaste woman was Kanakabai. She was in grief as she was separated from her husband. Finally, she reached the forest in search of him, and also found him out there. The greatest vaishnava who was adorned with the quality of detachment, was excited to see his wife Kanakabai there and he left the cave. Immediately, Kanakabai caught hold of his holy feet and pleaded him to return home.