Vaishnava Samhita: Shri Tukaram Charitam I Vol III Book VIII Chp 8 Shlokas 26 - 31

Shri Tukaram Charitam I Vol III Book VIII Chp 8 Shlokas 26 - 31

गीतैः स्वकीयैः संपूर्णं पुस्तकं तदुपेक्षया |

महामनास्तुकारामक्ष्चिक्षेपेन्द्रेन्द्रायणीजले ||

नूनं त्वेतानि गीतानि तुकारामेण साधुना |

भुवने कीर्तिलाभाय न कृतानि धनाय च ||

किन्ति सर्वेक्ष्वरस्यैव पाण्डुरङ्गस्य सत्पतेः |

प्रीत्यर्थं रचितान्येव तानि गीतानि तेन हि ||

तस्माद्भक्तपराधीनः पाण्डुरङ्ग कृपानिधिः |

आहृत्य तानि गीतानि जगाम स्वनिकेतनम् ||

सुप्रभाते विट्ठलस्य ददृशे मकुटोपरि |

तुकारामेण लिखितं पुस्तकं सुन्दरं तथा ||

ज्ञात्वा सर्वञ्च वृत्तान्तं प्रहृष्टा वैष्णवास्तदा |

भक्तश्रेष्ठं तुकारामं पूजयामासुरादरात् ||

The large-hearted Tukaram threw the book containing his songs into the water of the river Indirayani. In reality, the sadhu Tukaram did not compose those songs motivated by the desire to earn wealth to fame in this world. In fact, those songs were composed by him to propitiate Lord Panduranga, the Sarveshwara and the Lord of the sadhus. Hence Shri Panduranga, the last resort of the bhaktas and the treasure-chest of mercy, retrieved that book from the river and went back to His temple. The next morning, that book containing the songs of Tukaram, was seen seated on the crown of Panduranga. Hearing all that happened, the vaishnavas became very happy and they held Tukaram, the best of the bhaktas, in very high esteem.

Thus ends Chapter Eight entitled ‘Shri Tukaram Charitam I’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal