Shri Tukaram Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 10 Shlokas 23 - 27
जीजाबायी उवाच
नाहमिच्छामि सौख्यं वा भूषणानि धनानि वा |
तव प्रीत्यर्थ मेवाहमिच्छामि भुवि जीवितुम् ||
त्वन्माहात्न्यमजानन्ती केवलं धनकाङ्क्षया |
आराधिता रुक्मिणी च भूषणानि ददौ मम ||
त्वां विना भवने वासं नाहमिच्छामि सुव्रत |
अहमत्रैव वत्स्यामि स्त्रीणां भर्ता हि दैवतम् ||
श्रीतुकाराम उवाच
एवञ्चेत्प्रियभार्ये त्वं शीघ्रं गत्वा निजं गृहम् |
भूषणानि धनान्येवं दीनेभ्यो दातुमर्हसि ||
वल्कलं परिधायैव जपमालाविभूषिता |
अत्रागत्य विरक्ता त्वं कैङ्कर्यम् कुरु भामिनि ||
Kanakabai replied
I am not desirous of gold coins, jewels and comforts, now. I want to live on this earth only for your pleasure. I did not realize your greatness. As I prayed to Devu Rukmini, motivated by the lust for money, She blessed me with jewels etc. Oh! firm believer! I do not want to live at home without you. I shall also stay here with you. Only the husbands are the deities of women.
Shri Tukaram said
In that case, you return home immediately, and give away all the jewels and money to the poor. Come here wearing the dress of tree-barks and the garland of beads (Japamala) and serve me.