Vaishnava Samhita. Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 23 - 28

Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 23 - 28


इत्येवं बहुधा देवी प्रलपन्ती पुनः पुनः |

निबद्धा गृहपाशेन रुरोद हरिवल्लभा ||

अथार्धरात्रे सा देवी प्रियदर्शनसंभ्रमात् |

येनकेनप्रकारेण विमुक्त्वा पण्डरीं ययौ ||

तदा तत्रैव गोविन्दस्तस्या रूपमुपेयिवान् |

स्तम्भे निबद्धो ददृशे करुणासिन्धुरच्युतः ||

कृपया कृष्णशर्मापि विमुमोच प्रियाञ्च ताम् |

सान्त्वयामास सरसं कुर्वन् सल्लापमादरात् ||

तद्भवामनुसृत्यैव गृहकृत्यन्चकार सा |

एवं क्ष्वश्रूर्ननान्दा च तस्यां प्रेमैव चक्रतुः ||

एवं मायासखीदेवी श्रीमती परदेवता |

मोहयामास भर्तारं जगन्मोहनतत्परा ||

Shri Sadguru continued

The devotee of Shri Hari, Sakkubai was thus lamenting while she remained tied to the pillar at home. At nigh, somehow she freed herself and left for Pandaripuram with the yearning to see Lord Panduranga. At that time, the merciful Lord Panduranga assumed the disguise of Sakkubai and was seen bound to the pillar. Krishna Sharma sympathized with her and hence released her. Fondling her with great love he consoled her. She went on attending to the household chores as wished by him. Her mother in-law and sister-in-law also treated her very kindly. The Supreme Being capable of bewitching the whole world coming in the disguise of Sakkubai was alluring her husband too.