Vaishnava Samhita. Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 35 - 37

Sakhidevi Charitam III Vol III Book VIII Chp 19 Shlokas 35 - 37

तावदन्तर्दधे देवः सखीदेवीस्वरूपधृत् |

तामपश्यन् कृष्णशर्मा नितरां विस्मितोsभवत् ||

सखीदेव्याः प्रेमभक्तिं प्रभावं विट्ठलस्य च |

दुर्भाग्यमात्मनक्ष्चापि स्मृत्वा स्मृत्वा रुरोद सः ||

गोपीभावेन संयुक्ता सखॆदेव्यपि विट्ठलम् |

संप्राप परमानन्दं विमुक्ता भवबन्धनात् ||

Meanwhile, Shri Pandarinatha, who was present there in the form of Sakkubai had vanished. Seeing her not present there, Krishna Sharma was astounded. He realized the depth of Sakkubai’s prema-bhakti and the glory of Shri Vitthala. Pondering on them and thinking about his won misfortune, he felt very sad and cried. Sakkubai who was endowed with true topi Prem got rid of the earthly life and the cycle of births and deaths. She attained Shri Vitthala and experienced divine bliss eternally.

Thus ends Chapter Nineteen entitled ‘Sakhidevi Charitam’ of Book VIII of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal