Kabirdasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 2 Shlokas 11 - 13
ऋणं दातुं न शक्नोमि तस्मात्वं गच्छ ते गृहम् |
अथवान्यद्भूषणं वा दत्वा द्रव्यमवाप्नुहि ||
कबीर्दास उवाच
नास्ति मे भवने किञ्चिद्धनं वा भूषणं तथा |
कृपया देहि मे तस्माद्यत्किञ्चिद् द्रव्यमादरात् ||
एवञ्चेत्वं गृहं गच्छ मूर्खोsसि यवनाधम |
यद्वा शैलषवृत्या त्वं द्रव्यमार्जय दुर्मते ||
The chettiar said
I cannot lend you anything. You can go home now. You pledge some jewel or some other valuable and get things needed.
Kabirdasa said
There is no jewel in my house. Please have mercy on me and give me some food stuff.
The chettiar replied
Heh! Muslim! You are foolish. If you do not have any thing, quit this place. Oh! Wicked man! Pledge your wife and get the needed things.