Kabirdasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 2 Shlokas 25 - 29
एवं कबीरभार्यायां क्रोशन्त्यां करुणस्वरम् |
रामो राजभटो भूत्वा तत्क्षणं दर्शनं ददौ ||
श्रेष्ठिनं तर्जयित्वा तं प्रापयित्वा गृहं सतीम् |
अन्तर्दधे रघुश्रेष्ठः सहसा भक्तवत्सलः ||
ज्ञात्वा भगवतो लीलां श्रेष्ठी विस्मितमानसः |
विशुद्धहृदयो भूत्वा कबीर्दासगृहं ययौ ||
तं विलोक्य महात्मानं तत्पत्नीञ्च पतिव्रताम् |
पक्ष्चात्तापं भयन्चापि विस्मयञ्चाप दुर्मतिः ||
सहसैव समुत्थाय बद्धाञ्च्जलिपुटस्तथा |
निपत्य पदयोर्भक्त्या कबीरं प्राह दुःखितः ||
Shri Sadguru continued
When Kabirdasa’s wife cried like this, Shri Rama gave her darshan in the disguise of a royal servant. The best among those of th Raghu dynasty, Shri Rama threatened the chettiar and rescued Kabir’s wife. Escorting her to her house, the benefactor of the bhaktas disappeared. When the chettiar realized that it was the Leela of Shri Bhagavan, he was cleansed. With astonishment, he reached Kabir’s house. He was afflicted with self-pity, consternation and surprise at the sight of Kabir and his wife. At once, he stood up with folded hands and with reverence, he fell at the feet of Kabir and spoke with grief as follows.