Kabirdasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 4 Shlokas 13 - 21
तदा तत्रागतः कक्ष्चिद्दरिद्रः शीतवेपितः |
वस्त्रमेतत्प्रयच्छेति ययाचे वैश्नवोत्तमम् ||
जय श्रीराम रामेति कीर्तयन्तं विलोक्य तम् |
परमानन्दसंयुक्तः प्रददौ वस्त्रमेव हि ||
क्षुधा पिपासया चैव पीडिते स्वजनेपि च |
महार्घं वसनं तस्मै प्रहृष्टः प्रददौ महान् ||
तदा तत्र दरिद्रोपि भक्तसद्गुणतोषितः |
ददृशे दिव्यरूपेण नयनानन्दवर्धनः ||
दुराराध्यो योगिनाञ्च दूर्वादलसमप्रभः |
करशोभितकोदण्डः कमलायतलोचनः ||
पीताम्बरधरः श्रीमान् पीनवक्षःस्थलः प्रभुः |
अंसशोभिततूणीरो मन्दहासवराननः ||
कराब्जेनाभयं दत्वा करुनासिन्धुरीक्ष्वरः |
कटाक्षवीक्षणेनैव कबीर्दासं ददर्श ह ||
तं दृष्ट्वा जानकीनाथ मिष्टदेवं कृपानिधिम् |
पपात चरणोपान्ते कबीर्दासोsपि मूर्च्छितः ||
तमुत्थाय कृपासिन्धुः कौसल्यातनयो हरिः |
सान्त्वयामास मधुरैर्वचनैर्भक्तवत्सलः ||
At that time, there came a poor man in rags, shivering in the encircling clod. Seeing Kabir, he begged him to give that cloth he had. Perceiving that poor man, who was singing the Divine Name of Lord Shri Rama, Kabir was overwhelmed by ecstasy. He gave away the sari. Oblivious of his kinsmen, who were suffering from unquenched thirst and hunger, mahatma Kabir, with a cheerful countenance, presented that sari to that old man. The same moment, gratified by the generosity of the bhakta, that old man took an exquisite form, which was very pleasing to the eyes. The Lord, Shri Rama, who is not attained even by the yogis, who has the hue of the green grass, who holds the bow Kodanda, who has charming lotus-eyes, who is clad in gorgeous yellow silk attire, who has broad shoulders, who bears the quiver on His shoulder, who has a captivating smile on His countenance and who is the ocean of compassion stood there blessing Kabir with His glance, His hand fixed in the ‘Abhaya’ posture. Getting this darshan of the ocean of compassion, Shri Rama, his beloved Lord, Kabir lost consciousness and fell at His holy feet. The son of Devi Kousalya, the boundless ocean of mercy, the lover of His devotees, Shri Hari, held up Kabirdasa and consoled him with words as sweet as nectar.