Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 1 - 7

Shri Kamaal Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 6 Shlokas 1 - 7


अर्थ एव परम् दैवं परमर्थाजनं तपः |

अर्थार्थिनां लौकिकानां साधुवेषोपजीविनाम् ||

अर्थसंपादनायैव पूजां पूजासारस्ततो गतः |

देवालयेषु सर्वेषु पूजासारस्ततो गतः ||

अर्थसंपादनायैव कथयन्ति कथाः शुभाः |

पौराणिकाः समाजेषु कथासारस्ततो गतः ||

अर्थसंपादनायैव सर्वत्र ब्राह्मणाः कलौ |

पठन्ति वैदिका वेदान् वेदसारस्ततो गतः ||

अर्थसंपादनायैव मन्त्रसारस्ततो च |

गुरवोपि कलावस्मिन् मन्त्रसारस्ततो गतः ||

एवं कलौ सर्वसार्मर्थरूपो महासुरः |

विनाशयति लोकेस्मिन्नशुभं दातुमिच्छया ||

एवं विचार्य मुनयो नामसङ्कीर्तनं हरेः |

द्रव्यान्तरानपेक्षत्वान् सुलभं प्राहुरुत्तमम् ||

Shri Sadguru said

Money is everything, including the Supreme Lord, for those greedy people of this world who earn their livelihood in the disguise of sadhus. Making money is their greatest penance. In all the temples, the priests perform Pooja to the Lord just for the sake of money. Hence Pooja has lost its sanctity. In great assemblies, exponents of the Puranas give discourses only to gather wealth. hence such holy discourses have lost their essence. in this Kaliyuga, the Vedic Brahmanas recite the Vedas just to get money. Hence the Vedas have lost their spirit. In this Kaliyuga even great preachers teach mantras for the sake of money only. Hence the mantras have lost their vigor. Thus in the Kaliyuga, the great demon called money destroys the life-essence of everything and spreads unrighteousness. Analysing these facts the seers have found that Harinama kirtan is easy, simple and independent of everything. Hence they said that it is the best of all efforts to reach God.