Vaishnava Samhita. Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 1 - 8

Ramananda Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 5 Shlokas 1 - 8

भागवता उचुः |

रामानन्दस्य चरितं रामभक्तशिखामणेः |

कृपया गुरुराजेन्द्र सङ्कीर्तय सतांवर ||


अयं सनातनो धर्मः साक्षान्नारायणात्मकः |

तस्मात्सम्मान्यते सद्भिः सर्वमङ्गलकारकः ||

असुरैः पीडितं पूर्वं धर्मं परमवैदिकम् |

नानावतारभेदेन पालयामास केशवः ||

अथापि राक्षसैः क्रूरैः पीडितं धर्ममच्युतः |

लोके दाशरथिर्भूत्वा पालयामास चादरात् ||

एवमेवासुरप्रायैः क्षत्रियैर्द्वापरे हरिः |

पीडितं परमं धर्मं ररक्ष यदुनन्दनः ||

अद्यापि कलिदोषेण पीडितं यवनैः खलैः |

रामानन्दादिभिः सद्भिर्धर्मं पालितवान् प्रभुः ||

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भूतले |

तदा तदाsवतीर्यैवं धर्मं पालयति प्रभुः ||

सप्तमोक्षपुरीश्रेष्ठा विक्ष्वनाथनिकेतना |

महाभागवतैः सेव्या जाह्नवीजलपावना ||

The bhagavatas said

Oh! Gurunatha! The best of the saints! Please graciously let us know the pious history of Ramananda, the greatest of the Rama bhaktas.

Shri Sadguru said

The Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion of ours, has come to us straight from Lord Narayana Himself. It is capable of bestowing all good and hence it is adored by the saints. In the ancient past, when the Vaidika Dharma was eclipsed by the wicked deeds of the asuras, Lord Keshava rescued it, taking different incarnations. Again Lord Achyuta incarnated as Lord Rama on this earth and protected the dharma that was afflicted by the actions of the cruel rakshasas. In the Dwapara Yuga, our holy dharma was shadowed by the misdeeds of kings who acted almost like asuras. At that age, Shri Bhagavan came as Lord Krishna and saved the dharma. In this Kaliyuga, Shri Bhagavan safeguarded dharma from the hands of the wicked foreigners who had caused distress to it due to the natural tendency of Kali. The Lord came as Ramananda and other saints to achieve that aim. Whenever there appear hurdles in the path of dharma in the world, the Lord takes different avatars and protects it.