Shri Pipajiraja Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 7 Shlokas 1 - 5
वेदे रामायणे चैव पुराणेष्वपि भारते |
सर्वत्र कीर्त्यते सद्भिर्माहात्म्यं राघवस्य तु ||
नास्ति रामात्परं दैवं मायादोषविवर्जितम् |
पपूर्णं सनातनं ब्रह्म रामनाम्ना प्रकीर्त्यते ||
आदित्या वसवो रुद्रा ब्रह्माद्या लोकपालकाः |
विक्ष्वेदेवा राघवस्य दासभूता न संशयः ||
तस्माद्देवाक्ष्च मुनयो गन्धर्वाः सिद्धचारणाः |
रामभक्तं पूजयन्ति सर्वे सर्वत्र सर्वदा ||
राम एव परं ब्रह्म राम एव परं तपः |
राम एव परं लक्ष्यं राम एव परा गतिः ||
Shri Sadguru said
The magnificence of Shri Rama is sung everywhere, in all scriptures including the holy Vedas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the Puranas by the sadhus. There is no deity greater than infallible Shri Rama, who is free from Maya. The Omnipresent, immortal Supreme Being alone is denoted by Rama Nama. Undoubtedly, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the guards of the directions like Brahma and the Vishwedevas are all the slaves of Shri Rama. Hence, the devas, the saints, the gandrvas, the siddhas and the chaaranas worship Lord Shri Rama always and at all places. Shri Rama alone is the Supreme Being; Shri Rama is the greatest tapa; Shri Rama is the only object of life; Shri Rama is the ultimate refuge.