Vaishnava Samhita. Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 20 - 26

Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 20 - 26


ईत्य्क्त्वा बालको धन्यो दृढविक्ष्वासपूर्वकम् |

प्रतीक्षमाणः श्रीनाथं सुस्वरं प्ररुरोद ह ||

भगवान् करुणासिन्धुर्बालभक्तिवषीकृतः |

आवेरासीज्जगन्नाथो जानकीपतिरादरात् ||

अतसीकुसुमभासः सरसीरुहलोचनः |

उपविश्यासने तत्र सुप्रसन्नोsभवत्प्रभुः ||

तं दृष्ट्वा पुरुषश्रेष्ठं रामं देवशिखामणिम् |

रोटीमादाय सानन्दं प्रददौ बालकः स्वयम् ||

धन्येन बालकेनैव दत्तां रोटीमशेषतः |

अभक्षयत्प्रेमपूर्वमयोध्याधिपतिः प्रभुः ||

अशेषेण च रोटीं तां राघवेणैव भक्षिताम् |

विलोक्य बालको धन्यो रुरोद पुनरेव च ||

सहसा रघुथोपि स्वाङ्कमारोप्य तं शिशुम् |

पप्रच्छ सान्त्वयन् प्रेम्णा किमर्थं रोदिषीति च ||

Shri Sadguru continued

Having spoken thus, sweetly, the child Dhanya started crying again with very firm faith and expectation of the arrival of Lord Shrinatha. Captivated by the affection and devotion of the boy, the Jagannatha, the Lord of Janaki, and the ocean of mercy, Shri Bhagavan appeared in His original form with all kindness. The lotus-eyed Lord Shri Rama, lustrous blue in complexion, resembling the Atasi flower, appeared there and got seated comfortably. The boy was excited to see Shri Rama, the Purushottama, and the Deva Shikhamani (the best of the devas). He fed the Lord with the ‘Roti’ himself. The lord of Ayodhya, Shri Rama, ate the whole of the ‘Roti’ offered with great affection by that child Dhanya. Seeing that Lord Raghava had exhausted all the ‘Roti’ the child Dhanya started crying again. Immediately, Lord Raghunatha took the child on His lap, consoled him, and asked him to give the reason for his crying.