Tulasidasa Charitam I Vol III Book IX Chp 9 Shlokas 19 - 23
राघवो रक्षति त्वाञ्च मामप्याश्रितवत्सलः |
आपन्नानां रक्षणार्थं ध्रियते येन वै धनुः ||
दृढभक्तोपि लोकेश संशयं प्राप्तवानसि |
कथं शक्यं त्वया कर्तुं मरणे मम रक्षणम् ||
मांसपिण्डमिमं मत्वा भोग्यमेव निशान्तरे |
विस्मृत्य रामकारुण्यमेवमत्रागतोसि हि ||
कि मया किं सुतैर्गेहैः किं धनेन च बन्धुभिः |
संत्यज्य विषयासक्तिं कुरु राघवचिन्तनम् ||
ममानित्ये शरीरेस्मिन् या प्रीतिः क्रियते दृढा |
तामेव जानकीनाथे कुरु निर्हैतुकीं प्रिय ||
Ratnavali said
Shri Rama, the lover of those who have surrendered to Him, protects you and me. He holds the kodanda only to rescue those who are in danger. Though you have firm faith in Shri Bhagavan, you have doubted Him. Can you save me at the time of death? Oblivious of the mercy of Shri Rama, you have come here at the dark of the night considering this fleshy body to be an object of enjoyment. What benefit does any of these possessions like home, property, wife, children and relatives confer on a person? Give up your indulgence in carnal pleasure and engage in Rama dhyana alone. Please divert the strong love you have for my mortal body, towards Shri Rama and love Him with all sincerity.