Vaishnava Samhita. Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 1 - 5

Tulasidasa Charitam II Vol III Book IX Chp 10 Shlokas 1 - 5


अनुसृत्य मनोभावं भगवान् भक्तवत्सलः |

भक्तानां प्रेमयुक्तानामिष्टां रूपं दधाति सः ||

अंशनैव हि सञ्जाताः साक्षाद्भगवतो हरेः |

अवतारास्त्वसंख्येयाः तत्वतस्तान्निबोधतः ||

रूपांशेन तथा केचिद्गुणांशेन तथापरे |

तत्वांशेन तथा केचिद्विभांशेन चापरे ||

एवं नानांशसंभूता विष्णोस्तु परमात्मनः |

अवतारास्त्वसंख्येयाः सन्ति सर्वसुभप्रदाः ||

एतत्तत्वं न जानन्ति प्रज्ञावन्तक्ष्च पण्डिताः |

जानन्ति भक्तिसंयुक्ताः वैष्णवाः सूक्ष्मदर्शिनः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Shri Bhagavan, who gives away Himself to Bhakti, takes different forms in accordance with the wishes of the premature bhaktas. Understand, the secret that the different incarnations of Shri Bhagavan are representing Lord Shri Hari, the Supreme Being Himself. Some are secondary incarnations of His sublime form; some are of His loft qualities and some are of His divine potentials. The different incarnations thus emerging from Lord Shri Vishnu, look after the welfare of the world. Even great scholars fail to realize this fact. Only great vaishnavas, who have deep wisdom, and Bhakti understand this.