Vaishnava Samhita. Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 1 - 5

Dhanya Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 8 Shlokas 1 - 5


आरभ्य बाल्यात्प्रभृति प्रेमभक्तिं जनार्दने |

सिद्धिञ्च परमां प्राप्ता ध्रुवकायाधवादयः ||

बालानां निर्मले चित्ते विक्ष्वासो जायते दृढः |

अतः सत्संगतिस्तेषां सफला भवति ध्रुवम् ||

कालेन ह्रियते मर्त्यः परागो वायुना यथा |

अकस्माल्लभ्यते ह्यात्र शुभदः साधुसङ्गमः ||

साधूनां सङ्गमेनैव साधुर्भवति बालकः |

दुष्टानां संगमेनापि दुष्टो भवति हि स्फुटम् ||

पितृभ्यां बालकानां तु कर्तव्यः साधुसंगमः |

अन्यथा पितरौ तेषां द्रोहिणौ नहि संशयः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Dhruva, Prahlada and the like gained suitable rewards as a result of premature Bhakti systematically developed from their childhood. The association of sadhus becomes quite fruitful in the case of children, as firm faith develops in their flawless hearts. As dust particles are blown away by wind, man is taken away by time. In this world, he acquires the beneficial company of sadhus unexpectedly. A child grows into a sadhu only due to his association with sadhus. In the same way, he becomes a wicked one owing to his association with such people. Hence the parents should put children in the company of sadhus. Otherwise, certainly they do not remain the well-wishers of the children.