Tulasidasa Charitam III Vol III Book IX Chp 11 Shlokas 19 - 24
तुलसीदास उवाच
रामनामजपेनापि तत्कथाश्रवणेन च |
रामस्वरूपध्यानाच्च रामस्य गुणकीर्तनात् ||
सख्येन रामभक्तानां रामपादाब्जपूजया |
नित्यं श्रीरामदास्येन सर्वस्वात्मनिवेदनात् ||
एवं नानाविधैरेव ललितैर्भक्तिसाधनैः |
जायते परमा भक्तिः शुद्धचित्तस्य भूपते ||
मम वाक्स्तंभनं कर्तुं वृथा प्रलपसि प्रभो |
प्रदर्श्य तव देवं मे याहि वाराणसीं प्रति ||
न कारयसि रामस्य दर्शनं यदि मे प्रभो |
वाराणसीप्रयाणं ते स्वप्नेऽपि ननु दुर्लभम् ||
The king said
In that case, you please favor me with firm devotion to the Supreme Soul Shri Rama, at the earliest.
Tulasidasa said
Oh! king! Only a pious devotee can acquire premature Bhakti through simple devotional acts like the chanting of the Divine Name of Shri Rama, listening to the holy story of Shri Rama, meditating upon the divine form of Shri Rama, singing in praise of the noble qualities of Shri Rama, offering Pooja to Shri Rama’s holy feet, daily serving Shri Rama in many ways, and surrendering to Shri Rama completely.
The king replied
Lord! You are unnecessarily prattling just to convince me. SHow your deity to me and go back to Kashi. Lord! If you do not help me in getting the darshan of Shri Rama, you will find it impossible to reach Kashi.