Tulasidasa Charitam IV Vol III Book IX Chp 12 Shlokas 1 - 8
श्रुतिस्मृतिपुराणेषु रामनाम प्रकीर्तितम् |
तन्नामकीर्तनं भूयस्तापत्रयविनाशकम् ||
किं वृथा क्रियते यत्नो दुःखनाशाय सज्जनैः |
राम रामेति सङ्कीर्त्य सर्वदुह्ह्खाद्विमुच्यते ||
अजामिलोपि पापात्मा पुत्रव्याजेन कीर्तयन् |
नारायणेति सहसा संप्राप परमं पदम् ||
क्षत्रबन्धुर्दुरात्मापि कृतान्तस्य वशङ्गतः |
गोविन्देति समुच्चार्य प्रपेदे वैष्णवं पदम् ||
जीवन्ती चापि गणिका राम रामेति सुस्वरम्
शुकमध्यापयामास तस्मात्प्राप परम् पदम् ||
अहल्यापि दुराचारा पतिशापेन पीडिता |
रामकारुण्यमात्रेण ह्यभवल्लोकपूजिता ||
किरातोपि च वाल्मीकी रामनामानुकीर्तानात् |
दिव्यज्ञानमवापैव तपस्विगणमुख्यताम् ||
तस्मात्तारकमन्त्रस्य माहात्म्यं शास्त्रसंमतम् |
वाचामगोचरं सत्यं स्वयं जानन्ति साधवः ||
Shri Sadguru said
The magnificence of the Divine Name of Shri Rama is extolled by the Vedas and Dharma Shastras. The great merit of it is that the chanting of that Nama eradicates the agony of samsara. Why should noble men take other vain efforts to free themselves of sorrow? It is very easy to get rid of all sorrows with the help of the chanting of the Divine Name of Shri Rama. Ajamila, a sinner, unintedly chanted the Divine Name of Shri Narayana when he called his sone named Narayana. As a result, he attained final beatitude in that birth itself. The sinner Kshatrabandhu chanted the Name of Govinda, when he wa under the control of Yama, and thus reached the holy feet of Lord Vishnu. Even Jeevanti, a prostitute attained final beatitude as she had trained a parrot to utter the Divine Name of ‘Rama’ repeatedly. Ahalya who was cursed by her husband for her unmoral behavior too became worthy of veneration on this earth owing to the mercy of Lord Shri Rama. The hunter Valmiki gained lofty wisdom and hence prime importance among seers as a result of ceaseless chanting of the Divine Name of Shri Rama. The glory of the Divine Name of Shri Rama, the Taraka mantra, which is spoken highly of, by the scriptures, is beyond all words. It is understood by the noble men automatically and effortlessly.