Shri Nabhadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 16 Shlokas 1 - 5
पूर्वकर्मानुसारेण नानादुःखसमाकुलम् |
उपेक्षन्ते जगत्सर्वं विरक्ताः साधवः किल ||
स्वकुटुम्बं परित्यज्य वैराग्येणैव साधवः |
सनयस्तसर्वसङ्कल्पाक्ष्चरन्ति समदर्शनः ||
तानुपेत्य महाभागान् विरक्तान् वैष्णवोत्तमान् |
ग्राम्यं धर्मं ये वदन्ति ते नूनं दुष्टबुद्धयः ||
कुटुमबविषयं तुच्छं संप्राप्तं पूर्वकर्मणा |
विरक्तेभ्यो वैष्णवेभ्यो न कदापि निवदयेत् ||
ज्ञानवैराग्यसंयुक्तं भगवद्भक्तिलक्षणम् |
धर्मं भागवतं शुद्धं शिक्षेदाश्रित्य सज्जनान् ||
Shri Sadguru said
This world is filled with sorrows according to the bad deeds of the previous births of men. Hence the sadhus who are self-renounced dislike earthly life. These sadhus who are men of renunciation develop equanimity, give up all special attachments to family life, and wander freely all over the earth. Those who approach such vaishnavas, indifferent to worldly life, and talk to them of family life are mean-minded. One should never inform the recluse vaishnavas of the sorrows of the family life born out of the bad deeds of their previous births. One should approach the sadhus, and learn the sacred Bhagavata Dharma which is the embodiment of devotion to Shri Bhagavan, coupled with wisdom and detachment.