Bhadrachala Ramadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 15 Shlokas 1 - 5
सञ्चितादिकभेदेन कर्म त्रिविधमुच्यते |
तत्सर्वं रामभक्त्यैव वैष्णवानां विनश्यति ||
रामेच्छयैव जीवन्ति न हि प्रारब्धकर्मणा |
आरत्या यदि प्रपद्येरन् सद्यो मुक्तिमवाप्नुयुः ||
दुःखं भक्तापराधेन सुखञ्च कृपया हरेः |
प्राप्नुवन्ति महात्मानो न तु कर्मवशा हि ते ||
सर्वज्ञो भगवान् विष्णुः स्वकीयान्न्न परीक्षते |
मूढास्तु नैव जानन्ति सतां दुःखस्य कारणम् ||
किन्तु भक्तस्य माहात्म्यं प्रकाशयितुमिच्छया |
लीलां करोति भगवान्नात्र कर्मास्य कारणम् ||
Shri Sadguru said
The result of one's action (karma) accrues to one in three ways viz., Sanchitam (accumulated deeds of many births till date), Prarabdham (that part of the deeds of previous births, whose results are to be experienced in this birth), Aagami (deeds of the present and future). In the case of a vaishnava all these get destroyed by devotion to Shri Rama. The vaishnavas lead a life on this earth only as per the will of Shri Rama, and not due to their Prarabdha karma. If they surrender totally to Shri Rama, immediately they will be free from all earthly bondage. The vaishnavas earn sorrows by hurting the bhagavatas (by words or deeds), and gain happiness due to the mercy of Lord Hari. They are not controlled by karma. A Bhagavan Shri Vishnu is Omniscient, He never subjects His devotees to hardships. The foolish can never understand the true reason for the sorrows of the sadhus. In reality, Shri Bhagavan stages a drama (as part of His Leela) testing a sadhu, only with a divine wish to bring to light the glory of the bhakta. Hence the karma of the devotee is not the reason for the difficulties encountered by him.