Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 19 - 25
नारायणायेति सततं कीर्तयन् सुस्वरं मुनिः |
वादयन् कांस्यतालञ्च वीथ्यां वीथ्यां ननर्त सः ||
क्वचित्क्रीडति बालैक्ष्च क्वचिद्धावति सत्वरम् |
क्वचित्करोति हुङ्कारं क्वचिद्गायति नृत्यति ||
क्वचिद्दिगम्बरक्ष्चापि क्वचित्काषायवेष्टितः |
क्वचित्प्रज्ञानसंयुक्तः क्वचिदुन्मादचेष्टितः ||
क्वचिद्धसति सानन्दं क्वचिद्रोदिति बालवत् |
क्वचिद्गर्जति नामानि कृष्णस्य मधुराणि च ||
क्वचिन्मौनेन संयुक्तः क्वचित्प्रलपति स्वयम् |
क्वचिन्महाशनक्ष्चास्ति क्वचिच्चानशनाव्रतः ||
एवं निगूढमाहात्म्यं श्रीशुकाचार्यसंमितम् |
अवजानन्ति मूढाक्ष्च लौकिकाः पामरा नराः ||
शिश्याक्ष्च बहवस्तस्य सर्ववर्णेषु सन्ति हि |
तत्प्रभावविदो धन्यास्तकटाक्षैकजीवनाः ||
That saint used to sing the Divine Name 'Narayana' in a very sweet voice with the accompaniment of tala of cymbals and dance on the streets. At times, he used to play along with the children. He used to run at a head long speed or he would produce loud noise, sing in prose of the Lord and dance. Sometimes, he appeared a digambara. Sometimes he was lad in saffron. Sometimes he would behave like a sane person, and at other times conduct himself like a mad man. He would at times laugh merrily and at other times weep like a child or shout the sweet Divine Names of the Lord. Either he would be silent all the time or he would lament continuously. Either he would swallow large quantities of food or he would fast continuously. Thus he had some secret power like Shri Shula Muni. But the mundane and foolish ones could not understand him and hence they disrespected him. Yet, there were many of his disciples belonging to different castes who have realized his greatness. They lived on this earth because of his grace.
Thus ends Chapter Eleven entitled 'Aanandagiri Charitam' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Sanhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal