Natana Gopala Dasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 13 Shlokas 20 - 30
स्कन्द उवाच
तव भक्त्या प्रसन्नोस्मि तीव्रेण तपसा तथा |
वदामि तत्वं परमं सावधानतया शृणु ||
मह्यं शुश्रूषमाणाय मत्पिता वृषभध्वजः |
यत्प्राह पूर्वं तत्तत्वं मत्तः शृणु महामते ||
सकलोपनिषद्वेद्यं नारायणमनामयम् |
जानीहि परमं तत्वं तदन्यं मायिकं तथा ||
मायिकेषु च सर्वेषु विनश्यत्सु जगत्स्वपि |
न विनश्यति विप्रेन्द्र देव एको हरिः प्रभुः ||
तमवेहि महात्मानं जगज्जन्मादिकारणम् |
ब्रह्मरुद्रादयः सर्वे कलास्तस्य न संशयः ||
तन्नामकीर्तयेनादेव चित्तशुद्धिमवाप्य च |
साक्षात्करोति तं जीवः स्वस्यैव हृदि संस्थितम् ||
तस्मात्तमेव गोविन्दमाराधाय दृढव्रतः |
तस्य प्रसादत्परमं शाक्ष्वतं पदमाप्नुयाः ||
हरिर्मम तवाप्येवं सर्वेषामपि चेक्ष्वरः |
तस्मादनन्यभक्त्यैव तं पूजय महामते ||
तत्पूजया प्रसन्नोस्मि तथा मत्पूजयापि सः |
आवयोर्भेदभावास्तु कदापि न हि जायते ||
एवं नटनगोपालदासः शङ्करसूनुना |
बोधितो माधवे भक्तिं चकार रसरूपिणीम् ||
नायिकाभावसंयुक्तो मधुरं कीर्तयन्नटन् |
कृष्णमाराधयामास प्रेमभावेन सन्ततम् ||
Shri Skandha said
I appeared before you, pleased with your Bhakti and severe penance. Listen to me carefully. I shall explain to you now, the Supreme Tattva. Once, as I wanted to know the truth, My father Lord Shiva explained it to me. The same philosophy is given to you, the intelligent , by me. Know that the infallible Lord Narayana, extolled by all the Upanishads is the Supreme Being. All other are illusory. When all these illusory worlds gets destroyed only Lord Hari, the lone deva, remains indestructible. Know that He is the origin of all creatures. He discharges the functions of creating the universe etc. Undoubtedly Brahma, Rudra and others are manifestations of Him, springing forth to discharge different duties. The individual soul (the diva) attains purity and control of its heart by incessantly chanting the Divine Names and ultimately gets His darshan. Hence you worship the same Lord Govinda with firm belief. Then with His mercy you will attain eternal bliss. Oh wise man!! Lord Hari is the Lord of yours, Mine and of all. Hence with strong faith, you pray to Him alone. When you worship Him, I get pleased and appear before you and vice versa. There is no difference between us at any time.
Shri Sadguru continued
Thus getting enlightened by the preachings by Shri Muruga, the son of Lord Shiva, Natana Gopala Dasa exhibited absorbing Bhakti in the most blissful form to Shri Madhava. Considering himself to be the spouse of Shri Krishna, he sang in praise of Shri Krishna in a very sweet tone. He worshipped Lord Krishna uninterruptedly with true love and devotion.
Thus ends Chapter Thirteen entitled 'Natana Gopala Dasa Charitam' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.