Kodanda Rama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 15 Shlokas 1 - 8
नामदेवसमो भक्तो ज्ञानेक्ष्वरसमो गुरुः |
पाण्डुरङ्गसमो देवो नास्त्येव न हि संशयः ||
पण्डरीसदृशं क्षेत्रं तीर्थं भीमरथीसमम् |
अभङ्गसदृशं शास्त्रं नास्त्येव न हि संशयः ||
लौकिकं वैदिकं कर्म विस्मृत्य प्रेमपूरितः |
हरिं ध्यायति यो भक्तः स हि सर्वोत्तमः स्मृतः ||
हानिञ्च सर्वधर्माणां ज्ञात्वा दोषं कलेरपि |
ददाति यो हरेर्नाम स हि सर्वोत्तमो गुरुः ||
वैकुण्ठपतिरप्येवमपि साक्षाच्छ्रियः पतिः |
मोदते सह भक्तैर्यस्तस्य कः सदृशो हरेः ||
वसन्ति वैष्णवा यत्र श्रूयते च हरिध्वनिः |
तदेव पावनं क्षेत्रं परमं भुवनत्रये ||
नित्यञ्च वैष्णवा यत्र हरिस्मरणपूर्वकम् |
मज्जन्ति पावनं तीर्थं तदेव न हि संशयः ||
यस्मिन्नेव प्रतिपदं नृहरेर्नामवैभवम् |
दृश्यते तस्य शास्त्रस्य तुल्यं शास्त्रं न विद्यते ||
Shri Sadguru said
There is no other bhakta who can stand on a par with Namadeva, no guru equal to Gnaneshwara and no deity equal to Panduranga. Certainly, there is no Kshetra (place of worship) equal to Pandaripuram, teertha equal to river Bheema, and Shastra equal to the Abhanga songs. Only that Bhakti is great who forgets all vaidika and worldly activities and worships Lord Hari with immense prem. Only he can be considered a great guru who preaches the greatness of the Divine Name of Lord Hari, having in the mind the evils of Kali and its impact on all dharmas. Can any other deity equal Panduranga who explicitly rejoices the company of the bhaktas, Himself being the Lord of Devi Lakshmi and the Master of Shri Vaikuntha? In all the three worlds only that place is a holy kshetra where the bhaktas of Lord Hari reside and chant His Divine Names. Only that teertha is the most sacred one into which the vaishnava bhaktas take their daily dips with the Divine Names of Lord Hari on their lips. There is no Shastras equal to that one, in which each syllable explains the magnificence of the Divine Name of Lord Shri Narasimha.