Vaishnava Samhita. Swayamprakasha Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 12 Shlokas 13 - 18

Swayamprakasha Yogindra Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 12 Shlokas 13 - 18

ब्राह्मणा उचुः

भगवन् भवतो लोके नास्ति भेदो न संशयः |

व्यासपुत्र इव स्वामिंक्ष्चरस्यद्वैतभावनः ||

लोके प्रज्ञामपि प्राप्य कृपया भक्तिनिष्ठया |

श्रीमद्भागतं वक्तुमिच्छास्यस्माकमप्यहो ||

आत्मारामाक्ष्च मुनयो निर्ग्रन्था अप्युरुक्रमे |

कुर्वन्त्यहैतुकीं भक्तिमित्थंभूतगुणो हरिः ||

एवामक्षरनिष्ठोपि भवान् भेदविवर्जितः |

वक्तुमिच्छति योगीन्द्रः श्रीमद्भागवतञ्च नः ||

स्त्रीणाञ्च बालकानाञ्च वक्तुं भागवतं परम् |

यदीच्छसि महायोगिन् कुरु त्वं वस्त्रधारणम् ||

स्त्रियो बालाक्ष्च सर्वेपि त्वां दृष्ट्वा वस्त्रधारिणम् |

निर्लज्जाः शृणुयुर्नूनं श्रीमद्भागवतं यते ||

The Brahmanas said

Oh! Bhagavan! You do not entertain any distinctions in this world. Lord! You are wandering like Shukha Rishi with deep faith in Advaita. We do not doubt that. You have a desire to teach us Shrimad Bhagavatam, born out of your mercy and Bhakti, becoming conscious of the world. The great saints who have attained self-realization have no idea. Yet they have devotion to Lord Trivikrama expecting no reward. The reason is that Lord Hari possesses such attributes. Thus, you are devoted to formless Brahman. You entertain no distinctions of any sort. You consider all as equals. Yet you want to teach us Shrimad Bhagavatam. If you really want to teach Shrimad Vhagavatm to women and children too, please wear clothes. The women and children would listen to your Bhagavatam discourse, rid of a sense if you wear clothes.