Vaishnava Samhita. Natana Gopala Dasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 13 Shlokas 7 - 14

Natana Gopala Dasa Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 13 Shlokas 7 - 14

श्रीहालस्यमहाक्षेत्रे सौराष्ट्रब्राह्मणो महान् |

आसीन्नटनगोपालदासाख्यो वैष्णवोत्तमः ||

स महात्मा परं तत्वं साक्षात्कर्तुं दृढव्रतः |

विनीक्ष्चित्य गृहाद्वाल्ये जगाम विपिनं महत् ||

स्कन्दमाराधयामास कायक्लेशं समाचरन् |

तीव्रेण तपसा नित्यं देवसेनापतिं प्रभुम् ||

तस्य तीव्रेण तपसा सुप्रीतः कतुनानिधिः |

आविर्बभूव गाङ्गेयः कार्तिकेयो जगत्पतिः ||

मयूरवाहनं देव मन्दहासवराननम् |

प्रसन्नवदनं बालं कुटिलासितकुन्तलम् ||

ज्ञानशक्त्यायुधाधरं करेणाप्यभयप्रदम् |

भूषितं भूषणैर्दिव्यैः किङ्किणीकङ्कणादिभिः ||

तप्तस्वर्णप्रभम् शान्तं सुचारुनयनं शिवम् |

सुन्दरं शिवपुत्रञ्च गुरुं तत्वविदां वरम् ||

विलोक्य प्रेमभावेन पुलकीकृतविग्रहः |

तुष्टाव भक्तश्रीष्ठोपि विहिताञ्च्जलिसंपुटः ||

In Madurai called Halasya Kshetra, there was a Sourashtra brahmana called Katana Gopala Dada. He was a great vaishnavottama. At that exalted personality was intent on seeking the darshan of God, he left the house even when he was a boy and reached a forest. He did very severe penance not caring for his health. Daily he was praying to Lord Skanda, the general of the army of the devas. Pleased with his severe penance, Lord Muruga, the merciful, the Lord of the worlds, the Kartikeya, the Gangeya appeared before him. Lord Muruga, the divine son of Lord Shiva came riding on His peacock carrier. His countenance was very pleasant with a blossomed smile. His hair was dark and curly. His hand holding the spade (Velayudha) which is capable of imparting wisdom; His other hand was seen in the posture of abaya. He was adorned with beautiful ornaments like kinking and kankana. His body was bright like molten gold. Young Muruga, the Gnanaguru, the Gnanapandita appeared in His most graceful and serene form with attractive eyes showering mercy on the devotees. Looking at this divine form that great Bhakti became so excited that he stood praying to Him with folded hands.