Kodanda Rama Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 15 Shlokas 18 - 25
एवं निक्ष्चित्य भक्तेन्द्रः स्वच्छन्दं प्रेमतत्परः |
त्वरया पण्डरीं गत्वा पण्डुरङ्गं ददर्श सः ||
साकं भागवतैस्ततत्र कृत्वा सन्दर्शनं हरेः |
विलुठन् प्राप चानन्दं तेषां पादाब्जरेणुषु ||
महोत्सवे समाप्ते तु पुनक्ष्चेन्नपुरीं गतः |
कार्यालयं स्वमागत्य पाक्ष्चात्यं तं ददर्श च ||
कुपितः स च तं प्राह बहिर्याहॆति निर्घृणः |
कोदण्डरामदासोपि लेभे च परमां मुदम् ||
वीणामादाय सहसा पदशिञ्चितनूपुरः |
अशुकावेष्टिशिरास्तुलसीमणिभूषितः ||
कीर्तयन् हरिनामानि पुलकाङ्कितविग्रहः |
आनन्दबाष्पपूर्णाक्षो वीथ्यां वीथ्यां चचार सः ||
शिलोञ्चवृत्या सन्तुष्टो विरक्तो विजितेन्द्रियः |
गृहस्थोपि महाधीरो निक्ष्चिन्तो निर्भरोsभवत् ||
तन्नामकीर्तनान्दमोहिता बहवो जनाः |
तमेव पूजयामासुः शिष्यभूता दिने दिने ||
As he was a great bhakta, Iyer decided so. Free and full of prem, he reached Pandaripuram without wasting time and had the coveted darshan. Along with the other devotees, he had the darshan of Shri Hari. He just rolled on the sacred dust of the feet of bhagavatas and attained immeasurable joy. After the festival was over, he returned to Madras, and met his office chief. The chief was terribly angry and drove him out. Kodanda Rama Dasa became very happy. From that moment, he went on roaming on the streets happily singing in praise of Lord Hari, tears filled in his eyes, Veena in his hands, anklets tinkling on his legs, a rosary of Tulasi beads round his neck and a holy turban on his head. He led a calm and peaceful family life with the help of unchavritti. He had risen above all desires, was ever happy, courageous and had complete control of his senses. Many were attracted by the sweetness of Nama kirtan performed by him and became his disciples and daily paid respects to him.