Shri Rajagopala Deshika Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 19 Shlokas 22 - 28
तीर्थराजमथो गत्वा चित्रकूटमवाप च |
तत्रैव निवसन्नित्यं वाल्मीकीयं पपाठ च ||
कृत्वा पट्टाभिषेकञ्च रामस्य प्रेमपूर्वकम् |
भक्तिक्ष्च बन्धुभिः साकमयोध्यानगरीमगात् ||
अयोध्येयमयोध्येयमयोध्येयमिति स्मरन् |
उन्मत्तवनननर्तासौ रामभक्त शिखामणिः ||
सरयूसलिले स्नात्वा कुर्वन् श्रीरामचिन्तनम् |
प्रदक्षिणं चकारापि साकेतं कीर्तयन् हरिम् ||
तत्रैव निवसन् भक्तो बहूनि च दिनानि सः |
राममाराधयामास नानाभावकुतूहलः ||
अध बृन्दावनं गत्वा गोवर्धनगिरिं तथा |
स्नात्वा च यमुनातीर्थे नैमिशारण्यमाययौ ||
ततक्ष्च पुष्करे स्नात्वा गयाक्षेत्रमुपागतः |
पितृश्राद्धं विधायाथ जगन्नाथपुरं ययौ ||
Then through Prayag, he reached Chitrakuta. He stayed there for a long time, regularly chanting Valmiki Ramayana. There he performed the coronation of his moorti Shri Rama. Afterwards along with the bhaktas and his relatives he reached Ayodhya. Entering Ayodhya, he started dancing very happily shouting loudly again and again like a lunatic. He circumambulated Ayodhya and spent his time in taking holy dips in river Sarayu and carrying on Rama dhyana. Highly satisfied, that bhakta stayed there for a large number of days and performed the Pooja of Shri Rama. Then he started his pilgrimage once again and reached Naimisharanya after visiting Shri Brindavan and Govardhana, and taking holy dip in the Yamuna. Then he took a holy batch in Pushkara and reached Gaya. There he performed the shraddha for his ancestors and then came to Jagannatha Puri.