Shri Ganesha Devi Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 18 Shlokas 11 - 17
आसीन्मधुकरो नाम राज धर्मपरायणः |
नाम्ना गणेशदेवीति तस्य पत्नी च सुन्दरी ||
सा राज्ञी शीलसम्पन्ना प्रेमवात्सल्यभूषिता |
श्रीरामं पुत्रभावेन पूजयामास सन्ततम् ||
सा कदाचित्साधुभिञ्च साकं साकेतमाप च |
तत्रैव निवसन्ती च न सस्मार निकेतनम् ||
तदा वन्सन्तीं साकेते सन्त्यक्तसदनां प्रियाम् |
समानिनाय बहुधा सान्त्वयन् स्वगृहं नृपः ||
तथापि राज्ञी श्रीरामं त्यक्त्वा गन्तुं गृहं स्वकम् |
नेच्छति स्म प्रियेणापि समाहॊता पुनः पुनः ||
तं कोसलकुमारञ्च समानीय त्वया सह |
आगच्छ त्वरया गेहमिति तां प्राह भूपतिः ||
पत्युराज्ञां पुरस्कृत्य प्राप्य श्रीरामसन्निधिम् |
तस्मै विज्ञापयामास महाराज्ञी पतिव्रता ||
The noble king Madhukara and his beautiful wife Ganesha Devi led a very righteous life. The queen, endowed with a good conduct and kindness, always worshipped Shri Rama, considering Him to be her son. Once she reached Ayodhya, accompanied by the seers. Oblivious of her family, she was staying there. The king tried to convince his dear wife, who was living in Ayodhya, forgetting her household, and insisted on her returning home. Despite his repeated entreaties, the queen did not want to leave Shri Rama, and go home. Then, the king urges her to come home soon, taking Shri Rama the heir of the Kosala kingdom along with her. The chase and obedient queen wanted to implement the order of her husband. Hence, she went to the sanctum of Shri Rama and pleaded as follows.