Vaishnava Samhita. Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 19 Shlokas 1 - 6

Shri Raghunathadasa Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 19 Shlokas 1 - 6


आपद्बन्धुः कृपासिन्धुर्भगवान् जानकीपतिः |

भक्तसंरक्षणायैव कोदण्डं धरति प्रभुः ||

धनदारविहीनञ्च दीनदीनमकिञ्चनम् |

सुग्रीवं स्वयमागत्य पालयामास राघवः ||

रावणेन परित्यक्तं प्रपनञ्च विभीषणम् |

अविचार्यैव सहसा प्रददावभयं प्रभुः ||

राक्षसिरवृद्धां तामशोकविपिने सतीम् |

जानकी पालयामास हत्वा पौलस्त्यमाहवे ||

राक्षसैर्निगृहीतञ्च प्रदीप्तमपि वह्निना |

सहसा पालयामास दासश्रेष्ठञ्च मारुतिम् ||

एवमेव स्वदासानां रक्षणाय कृपानिधिः |

जागरूको वसत्येव सर्वत्र रघुनन्दनः ||

Shri Sadguru said

Lord Shri Rama, Shri Bhagavan, who is the repository of compassion, and who preserves men from danger, holds the bow Kodanda, only to protect His devotees. It was only Shri Rama who protected the poorest of the poor, Sugriva, who had lost even his wife and property. When Vibhishina, deserted by Ravana, surrendered to Him, Shri Rama gave him refuge without any questions. Shri Rama killed Ravana in the battle, and thus protected Devi Sita who was improsoned in the Ashoka forest by the rakshasas. Shri Rama instantaneously rescued his greatest devotee Shri Hanuman from the fire lit on his tail by the rakshasas. Shri Rama, the treasure-chest of mercy, is always alert to protect His devotees everywhere.