Shri Matsyendranatha Charitam Vol III Book IX Chp 21 Shlokas 7 - 16
ईक्ष्वर उवाच
रमन्ते योगिनोsनन्ते चिदानन्दे परात्मनि |
तस्माद्रामपादेनैव परं ब्रह्माभिधीयते ||
रामं विद्धि परं ब्रह्म सच्चिदानन्दविद्ग्रहम् |
सर्वज्ञं सर्वशक्तञ्च सर्वकारणकारणम् ||
सर्वज्ञो यदि रामोsयं रावणापहृतां प्रियाम् |
अजानन् भूरुहान् पूर्वं कथं पप्रच्छ मे वद ||
धार्मिको यदि रामोsयं सुग्रीवप्रियकाङ्क्षया |
वालिनञ्च परोक्षे तु किमर्थं सञ्जघाण सः ||
गर्भिणीं जानकीं पत्नीं रामो यदि कृपानिधिः |
कथं तत्याज विपिने पापलेशविवर्जिताम् ||
ईक्ष्वर उवाच
अजोपि सन्नव्ययात्मा राघवः परमेक्ष्वर |
अचिन्त्यमायया लोकेsप्याविरासीत्कृपानिधिः ||
आत्मन्यारोप्य कृपया मनुष्यत्वञ्च लीलया |
भावान् प्रदर्शयामास विविधान्नाटके यथा ||
तत्सर्वं नटनं विद्धि दर्शितं परमात्मना |
वस्तुतस्तु परं ब्रह्म राम एव न संशयः ||
अखण्डं तारकं मन्त्रं यो जपेत्प्रेमपूर्वकम् |
अपरोक्षं स जानाति रामतत्वं न चान्यथा ||
विज्ञाय रामतत्वं तु भवबन्धाद्विमुच्यते |
अजानतां रामतत्वं विमुक्तिः शशृङ्गवत् ||
Shri Eashwara said
The yogis take pleasure in meditating upon the boundless, Supreme Soul, which is the very embodiment of truth, wisdom and eternal bliss. Hence that Supreme Being is known by the Name Rama ( meaning - One who is capable of bestowing joy). Understand that Shri Rama, the embodiment of truth, wisdom and eternal bliss, is the omnipotent Supreme Being, who is the root-cause of the universe.
Shri Devi said
If Shri Rama is all-knowing, in the past when Devi Sita was abducted by Havana, why did He make enquiries to the trees? Please tell me. If Shri Rama is righteous, why did He murder Vali hiding Himself, just to please Sugriva? If Shri Rama is the storehouse of compassion, why did He leave Devi Sita in the forest despite Her being blemishes, and pregnant at that time?
Shri Eashwara replied
Shri Raghava, the Lord of Lords, is the Supreme Soul, rid of birth and death. Due to His immense power of Maya, He, the ocean of compassion, decided to be born on this earth. Shri Bhagavan playfully took upon Himself the nature of man. He enacted scenes on this earth as an ordinary man does on a drama stage. Realize that all those scenes by the Supreme Being are part of the dramatic representation of His divine pastime. In reality, Shri Rama is the Supreme Being, the Almighty Himself. It is quite certain. One who chants the Taraka Mantra incessantly with regardful devotion alone gets truly enlightened upon Rama tat. There is no other way to realize it. realization of this Rama tattoo leads to redemption from the bonds of the samsara. Moksha is non-existent like the horn of a rabbit to those who do not understand Rama tattva.