Ramakrishna Charitam IV Vol III Book X Chp 5 Shlokas 18 - 26
रामकृष्णो महात्मा'तु बाल्यात्प्रभृति चादरात् |
विग्रहाराधानं कृत्वा परां सिद्धिमवाप हि ||
जाताधराख्यो विप्रस्तु बालरामस्य विग्रहम् |
पूजयामास सप्रेम कौसल्याभावसम्युतः ||
स कदाचिद्रामकृष्णं द्रष्टुकामः सतां वरः |
दक्षिनेशपुरीं प्राप बालरामेण सम्युतः ||
मानितो रामकृष्णेन तत्रैव न्यवसद् द्विजः |
बालरामेपि चिक्रीड सन्ततं तस्य सन्निधौ ||
स्नानशय्याटनस्थानभोजनादिषु कर्मसु |
रामकृष्णो प्रवृत्तेपि तेन चिक्रीड राघवः ||
प्रतस्थे ब्राह्मणः सोपि स्वग्रामं गन्तुमिच्छया |
रामकृष्णवोयोगेन रुरोद शिशुराघवः ||
एवं बालकरामस्य रामकृष्णे महात्मनि |
प्रणयं वीक्ष्य विप्रोपि तत्रैव विससर्ज तम् ||
गते विप्रे बालरामो रामकृष्णेन पूर्ववत् |
क्रीडन्नुवास सानन्दं स्वमात्रा बालको यथा ||
एवामर्चावतारोपि यः करोति रतिं पराम् |
तेन सम्भाषणं नित्यं करोति परमेक्ष्वरः ||
The mahatma Shri Ramakrishna had attained unreachable heights of siddhi only through moorti Pooja from his childhood. A brahmana called Jatadhari, considering himself to be holy mother Kousalya, was worshipping the moorti of Shri Rama, the divine child, with great motherly affection. That illustrious personality came to Dakshineshwaram carrying the moorti of Shri Rama, desirous of having the darshan of Shri Ramakrishna. Held in high esteem by Shri Ramakrishna, he stayed in Dakshineshwaram. The divine child Baala Rama played happily in the presence of Shri Ramakrishna always. Shri Ball Rama clung to Ramakrishna at all times even when he was bathing, walking, sitting, eating, lying down or doing anything else. Jatadhari, the brhmana, decided to return to his place. Shri Ball Rama could not tolerate separation from Shri Ramakrishna. When the brahmana came to know of the affection Shri Baala Rama had towards Shri Ramakrishna, he left Him back in Daksineshwaram. After the brahmana left, Shri Baala Rama stayed there happily playing with Ramakrishna as a child with his mother. Thus, almighty converses freely with him who has deep devotion to the Archavatara.
Thus ends Chapter V entitled 'Shri Ramakrishna Charisma IV' of Book X of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal.