Ramakrishna Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 2 Shlokas 10 - 15
श्रीरामकृष्ण उवाच
अहं तु विष्णुभक्तोस्मि ब्राह्मणो वैदिकस्तथा |
कालीपूजां कथं कुर्यां तन्त्रमार्गमुपाश्रितः ||
वामाचारं न जानामि सदाचारेण संयुतः |
न मे मन्त्रोपदेशोपि शाक्तदॆक्षा च मे न हि ||
तस्मादन्यं महाशाक्तं वृणीधवं देव्युपासकम् |
विसृज्य वैष्णवं मां तु वैदिकाचारसंयुतम् ||
इत्युक्तास्तु जनाः सर्वे रामकृष्णेन हि स्फुटम् |
विषण्णवदना दिने रात्रौ देवी वात्सल्यसंयुता |
स्वप्ने साक्षादाविरासीत्सौम्यरूपेण संयुता ||
जननी जगतां दुर्गा वैष्णवी प्रेमपूर्वकम् |
कोकिलस्निग्धकण्ठी सा रामकृष्णमुवाच ह ||
Shri Ramakrishna said
I am a devotee of Lord Shri Krishna and I am a brahmana following the path of the Vedas. How can I perform the Pooja of Goddess Kali as envisaged by the Tantriya Maria? As I follow only the simple and good path, I am not conversant with the black-sided, vamachara methods. I have not learnt the relevant mantras nor have I got the necessary training to do that. Hence appoint a trained Shasta priest who can perform Devi Pooja, and please leave me who is a vaishnava adopting the path shown by the Vedas.
Shri Sadguru said
The people who heard Shri Ramakrishna say so, returned home sad. That night, the merciful, affectionate and graceful Devi appeared in Her true form in the dream of Shri Ramakrishna. Goddess Durga, the Vaishnavi, the mother of all words, spoke to Shri Ramakrishna in a very sweet voice like that of the nightingale.