Ramakrishna Charitam VII Vol III Book X Chp 8 Shlokas 6 - 15
नरेन्द्र इति विख्यातः कक्ष्चीदासॆन्महामतिः |
विचारशीलो धीरक्ष्च सर्वविद्याविशारदः |
युवा च सुन्दरः श्रीमान् वाग्मी सच्चरितव्रतः |
परोपकारी गम्भीरः सत्यसन्धो जितेन्द्रियः ||
भगवद्दर्शनं कर्तुं हृदये तस्य निर्मले |
बभूव महती काङ्क्षा धीराणामुचिता परा ||
आस्तिकानां मूढबुद्धिं कापट्यं भक्तमानिनाम् |
अत्याचारं कर्मठानाम शुष्कवादञ्च शास्त्रिणाम् ||
विलोक्य नितरां खिन्नो भगवद्दर्शनातुरः |
नैवाप शान्तिं लोकेस्मिन् येनकेनापि वर्त्मना ||
अनवाप्य गुरुं श्रेष्ठं तवपरोक्षज्ञानिनं क्वचित् |
वञ्चितो बहुधा लोके साधुवेषधरैरभूत् ||
तस्मात्सनातने धर्मे प्राप्योपेक्षां महामतिः |
पाक्ष्चात्यमतविभ्रान्तस्तच्छासत्राणि पपाठ च ||
तत्रापि शान्तिं परमामनवाप्य कुमारकः |
प्राप ब्रह्मसमाजञ्च ब्रह्मदर्शनकांक्षया ||
तत्र ब्रह्मसमाजेपि विवादं तु विवेकिनाम् |
उद्योगं निष्फलञ्चापि दृष्ट्वा दुःकमवाप सः ||
एवं सर्वमतानाञ्च सत्यं द्रष्टुमियेष सः |
जनानां मूढविक्ष्वासं दृष्ट्वोपेक्षं चकार च ||
Narendra was a great intellectual and a rational man. He was youthful, a Master of Arts, handsome, a good orator, altruistic, majestic, truthful, rich and had complete control of the senses. His pious splendid heart was throbbing with the holy desire to see God, a desire which is felt by the courageous alone. Troubled with the unfulfilled desire to have the darshan of Shri Bhagavan and saddened by the blind devotion of the theists, the prevention of the seeming devotees, the show of those interested in rituals and the drab arguments of the Shastra gnats, he could not find peace on this earth. When he set out in search of a great guru who was an aparoksha gnat, he was deceived in many ways by those who pretended to be sadhus. Due to all these, he lost faith in The Hindu religion. Attracted by the christian faith, he started perusing the literature of that religion. Young Narendra could not find solace in that faith also and hence he became a member of the Brahma Samaja. He became highly dissatisfied with the pedagogic arguments of the intellectuals in the Samaja which could not achieve any goal. Thus, he wanted to find out the real essence of all the religions. He was intent on removing the superstitions and blind faith of people.