Vaishnava Samhita. Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 1 - 9

Aanandagiri Charitam Vol III Book X Chp 11 Shlokas 1 - 9


नारदस्याज्ञया लोके कलिं शमयितुं खलम् |

अवतीर्णो मध्वकुले प्रह्लादो भक्तपुङ्गवः ||

लक्ष्मीनृसिह्मशर्मेति पिता नाम चकार च |

शुक्लपक्षे चन्द्र इव ववृधे बालकस्तथा ||

कृत्वा चौलादिकं कर्म पिता कालगतिं गतः |

विधवां मातरं प्रेम्णा सान्त्वयामास बालकः ||

दारिद्र्यदुःखसंयुक्ता बालपोषणतत्परा |

सन्त्यक्ता बन्धुभिक्ष्चापि माताssसीद् दुःखिता भृशम् ||

पर्यटन्नग्रहारेषु क्षुत्क्लान्तजठरः शिशुः |

अन्नं प्रयाचते नित्यं पात्रमादाय सुस्वरम् ||

कैवल्यारामयोगीन्द्रः कदाचित्तं विलोक्य सः |

आक्ष्लिष्य गाढं सानन्दं प्रददौ कृष्णविग्रहम् ||

अकस्माद्योगिनं दृष्ट्वा भीतोपि च स बालकः |

विलोक्य कृष्णं सहसा सुप्रसन्नोsभवत्तदा ||

तत्रैवान्तरधाद्योगी कृतकृत्यो मुनीक्ष्वरः |

बालोऽपि कृष्णामादाय त्वरयाssयान्निजं गृहम् ||

सर्वं निशम्य जननी विलोक्य च शिशुं हरिम् |

परमानुग्रहं मेने बालके कस्यचिन्मुनेः ||

Commanded by Narada, Prahlada, the best of bhaktas, descended this earth in the Madhva Kula to defeat the wicked Kali. His father named him Lakshmi Narasimhan. The child grew gradually like the moon on the waxing phase. His father expired after performing the karmas like Choula. The boy was giving consolation to his widowed mother. The mother was very sad and had to undergo great troubles as she was poor, was not carried for her by her relatives, and had the great responsibility of bringing up the child. The child afflicted by hunger used to go out in the streets of the agrahara with a bowl begging for food in a sweet voice. Yogishwara Kevalram happened to meet him once. He embraced the boy with great joy and gave him a moorti of Lord Krishna. Though the small boy was startled to see the yogi unexpectedly, he became very happy looking at the moorti of Shri Krishna. As his job was over, the yogishwara disappeared. The happy child ran home holding the moorti. Looking at the moorti, hearing all detail from him. the mother learnt that some yogishwara had most favorably blessed the child.