Vaishnava Samhita. Karmadevi Charitam. Vol II Book VI Chp 10 Shlokas 3 - 4

भजन्त्यनन्यभावेन गोविन्दं नन्दनन्दनम्  |
स्त्रियः शूद्रादयश्चापि मूढचित्ताश्च पामराः  || 
अधर्मो धर्मवद्भाति धर्मश्चाधर्मवत्तथा |
सूरयोपि विमुह्यन्ति धर्माधर्मविनिश्चये ||

Even women, the foolish, the laymen and the low-born do adore Shri Govinda, son of Nanda, with firm faith. As dharma looks like adharma and adharma poses to be dharma, even scholars get illusioned and hence find it difficult to make a distinction between the two.