Vaishnava Samhita. Karmadevi Charitam. Vol II Book VI Chp 10 Shlokas 5 - 8

वयोवृद्धा ज्ञ्यानवृद्धा ये पूज्याः साधवोः नरैः |
विमुखा यदि गोविन्दे न च तान् पूजयेन्नरः ||
यदि वैष्णवधर्मस्य विघ्नं कुर्वन्ति बान्धवाः  |
बान्धव्यं तेषु नास्त्येव सर्वे ते ह्यात्मशत्रवः  ||
दुराचारोपि दुष्टोपि सदा स्वार्थपरोपि च  |
कृष्णभक्तिं दर्शयेद्यः स नूनं बन्धुरुत्तमः  ||
एवं स्मरन् गोविन्दनेयः कंसमेवोपकारिणम् |
पथि बृन्दावनं गच्छन् दिशे तस्य ननाम च  ||  

One should not pay respect to a person who is indifferent towards Shri Govinda, however much elderly, scholarly and respectable he may be. Those relatives who hinder the practice of vaishnava dharma, are not at all true kinsmen. They are the worst enemies in one's spiritual life. However bad, wicked, ill-mannered and self-centered a person he may be, if he shows the path of devotion to Lord Krishna, he is to be considered the closest relative. Thinking on these lines, Akroora took Kamsa to be the best relative. On his way to Brindavan he remembered and paid respects to Kamsa