एवं हि सत्यसन्धानां वाक्यं सत्यं करोति सः |
यादृच्छिकमपि प्रोक्तमनृतं भक्तवत्सलः ||
असत्यं वैष्णवानां तु न कदाचन सम्मतम् |
वदन्ति ते हृदीशेन प्रेरितं वचनं तथा ||
आर्जवेनैव सम्युक्ता भाषन्ते वैष्णवोत्तमाः |
हृदयस्थं गुह्यमपि प्रवदन्ति हि बालवत् ||
तस्मात्तेषु न संदेहं प्राप्नुयात् सत्सु सर्वदा |
सन्तः प्रमाणं सत्यस्य धर्मस्य च जगत्त्रये ||
In such inscrutable ways Shri Bhagavan causes the promise of the truthful bhaktas, come true. The vaishnavas never wish to utter a lie. They speak out at the instance of Bhagavan seated in their heart of hearts. Honest vaishnavas are guileless like a child. They express all their thoughts in words without hiding anything. So, one should not entertain any doubts against the sadhus.They are the living testimonials of truth and dharma.
Thus ends Chapter Sixteen entitled 'Narasimha Mehta Charitam II' of Book VI of Shri Vaishnava Samhita composed by Shri Shri Krishna Premi Swamigal