त्यजेयुर्बुद्धिपूर्वं तु ये नरा भक्तमानिनः |
वेदोक्तं निखिलं कर्म पापाचारा भवन्ति ते ||
लौकिकैर्वैदिकैर्बन्धैः कृष्णस्य कृपयैव हि |
विमुच्यन्ते नरा भक्ताः कृष्णप्रेमपरायणाः ||
But those who imagine themselves to be great vaishnavas and hence deliberately give up the Vedic rites are considered sinners only. Those bhaktas whose only abiding passion is loving devotion to Shri Krishna, get rid of the bonds of Vedic and worldly restrictions due to the mercy of Lord Krishna Himself.