Vaishnava Samhita. Narasimha Mehta Charitam III. Vol III Book VI Chp 17 Shlokas 5 - 6

देवर्षिपितृमानुष्यभूतानामुपकारिणाम् |
ऋणेन जायते मर्त्यो यज्ञान् पञ्चाचरेत्ततः  ||
पञ्चयज्ञविहीनास्तु ऋणवन्तो नरा भुवि | 
इह संप्राप्य दुःखञ्च प्रेत्य यान्त्येव यातनाः ||  

Man remains indebted to the devas, the rishis, the pitrus, to the fellowmen and the animals and other living beings as he receives help from all of them. Hence he should perform Pancha Yajna (the five rituals to satisfy them). He who does not perform the Pancha Yajna does not get redeemed of his debts. Hence he undergoes sufferings on this earth and suffers in the naraka after his death