समदुःखसुखो भक्तः समलोष्टाश्मकाञ्चनः |
समनिन्दास्तुतिर्धीरस्तृणीकृतजगत्त्र्यः ||
विस्मृतस्वकुलाचारः सार्धमकरोत्सज्जनार्चनम् ||
लोकवेदविमुक्तस्य भक्तस्यानन्यचेतसः |
उवाह शिरसा कृष्णो योगक्षेमं कृपानिधिः ||
He received weal and woe alike. He treated mud and gold as same. He was neutral between appreciation and abuse. He considered the lot of all three worlds just equal to a blade of grass. He was oblivious to the family tradition and customs of his clan. He was always engaged in meditation on Shri Krishna. Along with his amicable wife he was rendering service to the bhagavatas. Lord Shri Krishna, the most compassionate, took complete charge of the welfare of His bhakta Narasimha Mehta who had forgotten the worldly practices and Vedic rites.