Vaishnava Samhita. Narasimha Mehta Charitam III. Vol III Book VI Chp 17 Shlokas 13 - 17

पितृश्राद्धे संप्रवृत्ते कदाचिद्भक्तसत्तमः |
आहुर्तुमाज्यं श्रद्धावान् पन्यवीथीमवाप सः ||
तत्रापि साधवःकेचित् कृष्णकीर्तनतत्पराः |
बृन्दावनं प्रयान्ति स्म नरसिह्मो ददर्श तान् ||
सद्य एव पितृश्राद्धमात्मानं गृहिणीं द्विजान् |
विस्मृत्य सह तैरेव बृन्दारण्यं जगाम ह ||
योगक्षेमवहः कृष्णस्तादृशानां महात्मनाम् |
चकार च पितृश्राद्धं धृत्वा तद्रूपमच्युतः ||
साक्षान्नारायणेनैवमर्चिताः पितरस्तदा |
वैकुण्ठं परमं प्रापुः पित्रुलोकात्समुत्थिताः ||

One day, the most distinguished bhakta, Narasimha Mehta came to the bazaar to buy ghee for his father's shraddha. In the bazaar Mehta saw some sadhus going towards Shri Brindavan engaged in Krishna Kirtan. At the very moment he forgot everything about the shraddha and the brahmanas invited for the ceremony. Shri Krishna, who takes care of the well-being of such noble ones, came in the disguise of Narasimha Mehta and completed performing shraddha. The pitrus who were blessed were thus honored by Shri Narayana Himself left the Pituloka and reached Shri Vaikuntha.