Vaishava Samhita. Narasimha Mehta Charitam II. Vol III Book VI Chp 16 Shlokas 21 - 23

तदैव श्यामलो नाम कार्यदर्शी च कश्चन |
भक्तप्रतिज्ञाकारी च तेषां दर्शनामागतः ||
धनं दत्वा यथासंख्यं प्रतिपूज्य च वैष्णवान् ||
अन्तर्दधे तदा तत्र दर्शनानन्ददायकः  ||
पत्रं गृहीत्वा तद्दत्तं परमानन्दनिर्भराः || 
कृत्वा च वैष्णवा भक्त्या द्वारकाधीशदर्शनम् ||

At the very moment, Lord Shyamasundara appeared in the beach (at Dwaraka) as the secretary of Mehta - names Shyamala. He gave darshan to those bhaktas in order to fulfil the promise of His devotee. He with a form that bestows untold bliss on those who look at Him, returned the money, due to them. Paying respects to those vaishnavas He vanished. The vaishnavas returned happily after receiving the document for the amount from the secretary and having the darshan of Lord Dwarakanatha.