नरसिह्म उवाच
अहो प्रिये मया त्यक्तं पितृश्राद्धं दुरात्मना |
यदहं प्रेमसंमुग्धो गतः श्रीयमुनावानम् ||
ब्राह्मणास्ते मयाssहूताः पूजिता वा वरानने |
ब्राह्मणातिक्रमे दोषं स्मरन् शोचामि भामिनि ||
चित्तचोरेण कृष्णेन हृतं मे हृदयं ननु |
यदहं परमोन्मत्तः संचरामि महीतले ||
Shri Narasimha Mehta said
Alas! My beloved! The pitru shraddha was ignored by me, the wicked one. Intoxicated with loving devotion, I left for Shri Brindavan. Were those brahmanas invited by me well attended to? I feel very sad over the disrespect shown to the brahmanas. My heart is robbed by Shri Krishna who steals all hearts. That is why I am wandering as a mad man on this earth.