आपणादाज्यमाह्रत्य श्राद्धं कृत्वा यथाविधि |
बृन्दारण्यं गतोसि त्वं किं शोचसि महामते ||
बृन्दारण्यादिहागत्य तच्चिन्तनपरायणः |
विमुग्धोस्यद्य मे नाथ चित्तं ते सान्त्वय प्रभो ||
अहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यमहो भाग्यं मम प्रभो |
यदहं कृष्णभक्तस्य भवामि गृहिणी तव ||
His wife Manicka Devi replied
Why do you unnecessarily feel sad now ? Oh, wise man! You left for Brindavan only after finishing the shraddha systematically with the ghee bought from the bazaar. The memories of Shri Brindavan are still fresh in your mind and hence you are in a hallucination. Please console yourself. My Lord! How fortunate I am to be the wife of a great Krishna bhakta like you.