कदाचित् साsभवद्भूमिर्महावर्षेण पङ्किला |
कम्बलास्तरणं तस्मान्नास्तृतं सेवकेन तु ||
शीनाथः कुपितो रात्रौ न ययौ शयनालयम् |
समीपे हरिरायस्य शिश्ये तद्गृहमागतः ||
तदा पप्रच्छ तं कृष्णं वैष्णवः प्रेमपूर्वकम् |
किमागतोसि बालेति सन्त्यज्य शयनालयम् ||
उवाच मधुरं वाक्यं यशोदानन्दनो हरिः |
आलिङ्ग्य हरिरायस्य कण्ठं प्रेम्णा सगद्गदम् ||
One day the carpte could not be spread as the path had become muddy due to heavy rains. Lord Shrinatha did not go to the Shayana Gruha that night. Instead He lay near Hariraya in his house. Seeing Shrinatha there, Hariraya asked him, "My child! Why are you here? Why didn't you go to sleep?" Shri Krishna, the beloved son of Yashoda threw His hands round Hariraya's neck and spoke softly